Dakar, Senegal, 30 July, 2022 – Senegal’s Sendou Power Station has achieved a significant milestone in its ongoing rehabilitation and return to service after it recently produced a 100-megawatt load test during a sustained run at the coal-fired single unit power station that is located in Sendou, 35 kilometers south-east of Dakar.

The Sendou power plant was returned to service in September 2021 after initial commissioning troubles and the Covid pandemic delayed its progress in 2019. South African-based specialist operations and maintenance company, Sebenzana APP has played a crucial role in returning the key electricity asset back to service.

A long-term relationship between Compagnie d’Electricité du Sénégal (CES) and Sebenzana APP has resulted in three major ongoing initiatives at Sendou:

•Site rehabilitation and recommissioning
•Detailed planning of a power station rehabilitation overhaul, including warranty inspections from the original equipment manufacturer
•Establishment of a long-term sustainable, performance-based operations and maintenance contract for the power plant

Sebenzana APP was contracted by the project’s new majority owner, Barak Fund, to assist with the rescue of the power project. As the power station ramps up electricity production, Sebenzana APP is bringing its unique Asset Performance Partner (APP) approach to maximise the asset’s performance while managing its material risks.

The APP approach leverages all of the asset’s historical and arising data – capturing it inside APP’s Smart Asset Management Platform (SAMP). This data is then combined with regional and international expertise to ensure that the best possible asset decisions are made and implemented on the power station site.

Andrew Carr, Managing Director, Sebenzana APP says: “Working closely with CES’ engineers on the ground, we have played a catalytic role in the successful rehabilitation of Senegal’s largest Independent Power Project (IPP) to date. While at one point there were real concerns about whether the plant would be able to operate sustainably, it’s now been proved beyond doubt that Sendou will continue to play a stabilising role in Senegal’s fast-evolving energy mix away from distillates.”

Malick Seck, AG, CES says: “The reality is that a little over a year ago we were closer to liquidation than continuing as a going concern. But, with perseverance and belief in the staff that have committed to the project, accompanied by support from Barak, and the technical assistance of Sebenzana APP, we have been able to reverse the trend. There is still work to be done to ensure greater reliability of the plant, but with the unfailing motivation of the staff and with the assistance of Sebenzana, we will succeed.”

Looking to the future, Sendou provides the perfect platform for an energy transition project to convert an already operating coal-fired power station to a modern gas-fired power station that can underpin the region’s needed energy transition. Such a role could either anchor a long-needed and spoken-of domestic gas program for Senegal, or alternatively support the region’s energy transition to a modern, renewable-energy-dominated electricity supply industry.

For more information, please contact:

Andrew Carr
Sebenzana APP
Email: andrewc@sebenzana.com

Jean Craven
Email: jean.craven@barakfund.com